Monday, November 8, 2010

Sports day

Sports day happens every year in ISB and i always look forward to it. Sports day was help on the of october in a small stadium near our school. Each of us are split up into three colors: green, red and blue, and i was in the blue team. Each person was encourages to do every single event but the 800 meter race was an exception. On the day i did every event including the 800 meters race. I took the risk and went for the 800 meters even though i knew i was going to lose. i just wanted to have fun and add house points for the blue team. i was also principled. I was in the blue team which usually are the champions. The best part of the sports day was the tug of war. this was really hard because all the teams were really strong. During all the races we were split up into different year groups so that it would be fair. Sports day started at 7 30 and finished at 11 30 .

Action: 5 hours

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