Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friendly football match against Austrailians

On the of october, one of the Australian teams were passing through Brunei to go to the UK and play football there. On their stop down at Brunei, we got to play their team. The game was played at the Brunei National Stadium. This stadium was a while ago and was originally built for the Seagames (south east Asia games) which Brunei hosted so it was a really great experience to be able to play in a huge stadium. At the beginning of the game we thought that we were going to lose really badly to the Australian team, seeing that they will be going to the UK to play against football players there who practice almost everyday. however, it turned out that they were not as good as we thought they would be. we beat them 3-2. the two goals were let in, in the second half of the game where everyone was more tired and lazy on their feet and the three goals were scored in the first half of the game. it was eleven aside and i player the central defense. the Australian teams were quite fast and some of them were really big, but we were still able to over come their strength with ours.

Action: 2 hours

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