Monday, November 8, 2010

Quiz Night

Quiz night happens every year and is filled with unpredictable and insane questions. On the 30th of september the 2010 quiz night begun. it started at 7pm and lasted until 10pm. there were many teams who participated an two of them were made of teachers. i was in the "Team Marcelo" team. we did not do so well but at least we didn't get last. these quiz's did not challenge your academic skills and knowledge but more of your general knowledge. Some of the questions were so hard that we had not clue what it was so we put random answers hoping that we could at least have a minor chance in getting it right. The quiz night made me a thinker, open minded, knowledgable and also inquirer. It was also hugely reliant on team work and how we communicated as a team.

Creative: 2 hours
Service: 3 hours
Total: 5 hours

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