On the 29th of october, it was ISB's International Day. Every student was advice to wear a national outfit to school on that day. This was really good and made the whole school look really colorful. The day before international day, we had to help to set up everything for international day so that the next morning was just about putting everything together. Before international day, students were put into pairs and got delegated specific jobs like helping out in the haunted house, helping out a specific form class to give ideas and set up their stalls. on the day of international day my partner and i helped set up the sumo stall for the year 8s. this was a really successful game, were many people wanted to join and play. this game is basically Sumo wrestling with pillows, and players would be standing on soft mats and whoever gets out of the circle loses. the stall was 1 coupon for each game out of 3 and the winner would be able to stay on. instead of using money to pay for things on international day, we used coupons. there were also many other stalls on international day and it was really fun. the thing i enjoyed about it was the haunted house and also the performances in the final assembly. at 10:30, everyone had to pack up and clean their stalls ready to go to assembly at 11. there were many differentperformances at the assembly. there was the Maori traditional dance with singing and the haka, the Nepal dance with sharp knives, the Philipino dance with bamboo sticks and there was also our 'So you think you can dance' finals. there was also a parade of nations where different representatives from different countries, walk through a pathway in the middle of the hall and up to the stage. ISB has 43 different nationalities.

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