OBBD (outward bound Brunei Darussalam) is known to be a challenging course that both physical and mental strength. On the 19th to the 21st of october the IB year 12's went to Temburong to take on the Outward Bound course where we are challenge on our individual andteam work. On the first day we went to the Jetty in Bandar ready to go on theboat taking us to Temburong. we had to be there at 7am in the morning. There were two separate boats the brought all of us to Temburong. we had 35 students and 4 teachers going to Temburong. the boat ride took around 45 minutes, and on the way to Temburong we saw the mangroves, trying to look for proboscis monkeys but unfortunately we didn't get to see any. when we reached Temburong we put out bags at the back of a truck and went on a bus which too us to our campus where we would go out Outward Bound course. When everyone arrived at the campus, the director of ODDB gave us a little introduction and we also got split up into two
different groups. The ONG SONG PING and the ADAMSARI ! i was inthe ong song ping team and I was satisfied with my group. Right after that we went to have afternoon tea. We got given good food at the campus and throughout the whole course. After that we had a group talk and introduced ourselves to the instructor. His name was ZAM! he was the ex army for Brunei. after we had out talk we went to the other side of the campus where we were going to spend the night in. we stayed in a wooden house with no air-con, however this was not a problem for me. there were fans which made it a lot better and it was also quite cold at night so we had to go under the sleepingbags. Before we went on to the other-side of the campus we needed to wear a life jacket to go across the bridge. There was only a maximum o

f five people who were able to go on the bridge at one time so every time we crossed the bridge we had to blow the whistle so that the people on the other side would know that there are people on the bridge. when we went over, we dropped our bags of at the house and went over to a place near the bridge under a tree where we were given a safety talk about Temburong. One of the specific thing that the medic said was to look out for poisonous plant that would give you rashes and may kill you. This was very important because on the next day we had to go through the jungles and camp in the jungle. After that we went to our separate groups and did a trust game where a person has to fall, hoping that the team would catch them. This really showed how much people trusted each other and also shows how well we are able to work together and would determine whether we are able to complete the walk on the next day. Right after we did the trust games, we went onto the flying fox. I was really looking forward to this part of the trip, however after i did the flying fox it didn't satisfy me. It was not fast enough and didn't go as far as I thought it would be but it was still a great experience to go over the river on the flying fox. when we were donewith the flying fox we went into the water, which was really cold and we said "selamat petang sungai temburong" which basically means good afternoon river of Temburong. this is so that we are blessed by the river and hopefully nothing would have gone wrong. we also learnt how to float and go to

one side just incase we fall of a boat or kayak. On the night of the first day we had dinner which was really good and then went onto preparing our stuff for camping on the next day. We also learnt how to use specific equipments needed for the day like the tents, cooking pan, water pump...etc. At night we got to sleep at around 12 o-clock but at 1am in the morning the instructors put on a false fire alarm so we all got out of bed and ran onto the open field. Some students did not even had shirts on because they were rushing. That was a good experience for all off us.
Day 2
This day was the day where we went trekking in the
jungle and using a compass and a map we had to find out way to our destination where we were going to camp the night in. when we woke up and got ready we had to do a morning exercise so that we get ready for the trekking. We also sung the national anthem of Brunei. We then went to breakfast and got everything ready for trekking. all out bags were filled with stuff to bring to the camp site so they were really heavy. before the trekking begun we were told not to say each others name and also to stick together as one group. this was really important because some people had to be pushed to move further and others needed help to go down the slopes because they were too slippery. Ong Song Ping was the first team to leave OBBD campus and the other team left on a different root so each group were challenged to go through the trek. the trekking was not as hard as i expected it to

be and towards the end of the trekking
a girl could not take her bag anymore and was too exhausted so i helped her carry her bag through the course. i felt really good after doing so because i felt that teamwork is a good way to get through hard situations that challenge you mentally and physically. during the trekking we got lost a couple of times but managed to fine out way back on path. there were 7 check points that we had to go through and at the 5th checkpoint we had a rest my a waterfall which was pretty awesome. when we reached the camp site we got straight to setting up out te
nts. and 5 minutes into doing so
, it started pouring d
own rain and we had to set up our tent in the rain. luckily were fast enough and got our tent up ri
ght so that water was not able to get in it. there were a lot of ants on the ground so we had to use powder that made sure that the ants stayed away from the tents. once we finished our tents we wen
t to the river and had a swim and also learnt a bit about kayaking. this was really boring for me bec
ause i already knew how to kayak, however it was still fun being able to go on the currents in the kayak. at night we had to cook our own food that we had pack for as a team and i was the chef of the night. i cooked most of the food and we had mi goreng, corn beef, tuna and bread. This was actually really good and tastes quite night. after that we went onto a team talk and were told to get to bed early and also that if we hear something, see something or feel something to ignore it. i think that he was referring to ghosts in the jungle. i actua
lly got quite scared when he told me this but eventually got every it. before we went to sleep we packed up everything and cleaned the metal containers where we eat. when i got into the tent i slept right away because i was so tired. we went to bed at around 10:30.
Day 3

i woke up at 4 am in the morning and could sleep anymore. so i just waited and woke up one of my other teammates and just had a talk. when i was 4:30 i lied to my teammates saying it was already 5 am so they all got up and brushed their tooth and washed their face by the river. right after that we set up the fire so that we could cook more food. in the m
orning we had bake beans with bread. that as also quite nice to eat. this was at 5 am in the morning. after we finished breakfast we went of to pack out stuff and put everything by the r
iver so that a boat would take it to the OBBD campus. At 7pm both teams were ready to go on the kayak and we headed of downstream. Before we did that we said the words to the river again "selamat pagi sungai temburong" i was paired up with hakim and he was good at kayaking so we had not problems with it. Going through the currents were the best part of being in the kayak. Some of the other people however fell of the boat because the didn't control it well enough but thankfully no one got hurt and they got back on the kayak and continued to kayak. when we reached back to the campus we had to clean everything we bought to the camp site and put it back into the stall. this was also quite fun and we worked as a team my delegating different jobs to different people. when that was done we to take a shower and had lunch at 12. after that we had a final team talk and then went back to the boat and back to bandar where we get picked up to go home. overall i thought that the trip was alright. i got kind of disappointed because it wasn't as good as i thought it was going to be but it was still alright. i would want to try more outward bound courses and stay for a longer period of time. the thing i was most upset about was not being able to do the rock climbing. i was looking forward to it before the trip but at least we got to go the kayaking.
Action: 12 hours